Si recordar fos oblidar,
aleshores no recordaria,
i si oblidar fos recordar,
gairebé me n'hauria oblidat.
I si enyorar fos alegria
i lamentar fos una diversió,
que feliços els dits
que avui han recollit això!
aleshores no recordaria,
i si oblidar fos recordar,
gairebé me n'hauria oblidat.
I si enyorar fos alegria
i lamentar fos una diversió,
que feliços els dits
que avui han recollit això!
If recollecting were forgetting
If recollecting were forgetting,
Then I remember not,
And if forgetting, recollecting,
How near I had forgot,
And if to miss, were merry,
And to mourn, were gay,
How very blithe the fingers
That gathered this, today!
Then I remember not,
And if forgetting, recollecting,
How near I had forgot,
And if to miss, were merry,
And to mourn, were gay,
How very blithe the fingers
That gathered this, today!
Tria, traducció i introducció de Marcel Riera.
Text en català i anglès.