La meva història comença de manera ben senzilla:
podia parlar i era feliç.
O bé: podia parlar; per tant, era feliç.
O bé: era feliç; per tant, parlava.
Jo era com una llum brillant passant a través d'una
cambra fosca.
Si tan difícil és començar, imagineu-vos com serà
My story begins very simply: I could speak and I
was happy.
Or: I could speak, thus I was happy.
Or: I was ha: smallppy, thus speaking.
I was like a bright light passing through a dark
podia parlar i era feliç.
O bé: podia parlar; per tant, era feliç.
O bé: era feliç; per tant, parlava.
Jo era com una llum brillant passant a través d'una
cambra fosca.
Si tan difícil és començar, imagineu-vos com serà
My story begins very simply: I could speak and I
was happy.
Or: I could speak, thus I was happy.
Or: I was ha: smallppy, thus speaking.
I was like a bright light passing through a dark
If it is so difficult to begin, imagine what it will
be to end—
Louise Glück. Nit fidel i virtuosa = Faithful and virtuous night. 2017
Traducció: Núria Busquet Molist
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